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Fawley Court |

31.08.2012 przed 6.30 rano odby?a sie ekshumacja doczesnych szcz?tków o.Józefa Jarz?...więcej  |
Zdj?cia z grobu o.J.Jarz?bowsk

Komunikat Prasowy FCOB
...więcej  | The sentence in the case of Fr. Jozef Jarz?bowski will be anounced at the end of April. Henley Standard reports: www.henleystandard.co.uk/news/news.phpid=37408
On Wednesday 28 March 2012, the Court of Appeal at the Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, heared the Appeal against the judgement of Lady Justice Hallett and Mr.Justice McCombe of 18 Oct 2011 who found for the Ministry of Justice, who had issued an exhumation licence to the Marian Fathers, following their sale of Fawley Court. The Claimant, Elzbieta Rudewicz, who is the next of kin of Father Jarzebowski ,contests this judgement as the Judges did not consider the dying wish of the deceased and the wishes of the family, accepting instead the wishes of the Marian Fathers, a congregation of priests born after the death of Father Jarzebowski. She also claims the judgement was discriminatory to Catholics who believe that burials are forever. The Ministry of Justice ignored over two thousand letters of protest from the Polish Community in England at the time of issuing the licence, which was suspended by an injunction in March 2010. The Save Fawley Court Heritage Committee representing Polish social and cultural organisations in UK has opposed the exhumation and joined the proceedings supporting the claimant. Father Jozef Jarzebowski is a highly respected figure of the post war émigré community. A famous preacher, writer, poet, historian, teacher and collector of historical artefacts of Polish Independence, he is best known for spreading the worship of Divine Mercy worldwide and for founding Fawley Court with Divine Mercy College, a boarding school for young Poles. He come to England after the war, to work alongside Polish soldiers who fought in the WW2 , unable to return to Poland because of the communist takeover in the aftermath of the Treaty of Yalta and had to stay in England as their second homeland . Father Jarzebowski died in 1964, being considered a saint, and received a state funeral attended by thousands including heads of state and church. He chose his own spot at Fawley Court for his grave. The Polish Community claim Father Jarzebowski as their public figure and wish to protect the permanence of his grave, next to which Prince Stanislaw Radziwill erected a church and was himself buried in its crypt. Prince Radziwill was married to the sister of Jacquline Kennedy , Caroline Lee Bouvier.Their son Antony was buried in the crypt of st. Ann Church at Fawley Court along side of his father. Prince John Radziwill older son of prince Stanislaw Radziwill has opposed the application made by Marian Fathers to exhume his father and MoJ refused to issue a licence. Matters relating to the sale of Fawley Court were recently widely reported in the press because of a £5 mil court dispute between the buyer Aida Hersham and the winner of the tender Richard Butler-Creagh.
On the 17th and 18th October 2011 in the Royal Courts of Justice, Queens Bench Division (administrative court) in COURT no. 1 at 10:30 am a court case (N CO/3422/2010) regarding the exhumation of Father Jozef Jarzebowski will be held. The hearing is open for public and the admission to the court is free. We invite all the interested to take part in the hearing. Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL
Fawley Court Heritage Committee invites for the meeting in POSK ,Sala Save Malinowa, 20th March (Sunday) 18:00 . Archive Film about Fawley Court Founder Father Józef Jarz?bowski and Museum to be shown. The Catholic Herald 20 February 2011 wi?cej
Private Eye 23 July 2010 wi?cej
RIGHTS OF WAY Help Ramblers obtain Rights of Way on the footpaths of Fawley Courtmore Link to obtain forms to register Rights of www.fawleycourt.info/pdf/form.pdf
The Save Fawley Court Committee on behalf of all the Poles, it represents would like to thank John Radziwi?? for his most commendable action. We hope that the court proceedings will reveal the whole truth and help to save Fawley Court for us and for the next generations of Poles. John Radziwi??, the son of prince Stanis?aw Radziwi?? has filed a lawsuit in the District Court in Warsaw against the Polish Province of the Marian Fathers for breach of trust. In the lawsuit, he contends that the Marian Fathers have betrayed the will of prince Stanis?aw Radziwi??, the founder of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Ann at Fawley Court, through the deconsecration of the church and are forcing him to remove the remains of his father from the crypt in which he rests more
COURT INJUNCTION STOPPED EXHUMATION link to Catholic Independent News www.indcatholicnews.com * 22.09.2009 Marian Fathers has applied (without any notice to the Polish Community) to the Coroners and Burials Division, Ministry of Justice for the licence to EXHUME and CREMATE the remains of Fr.J.Jarz?bowski. In 1964 seven Polish Generals from the II World War and the representatives of all Polish emigrant organisations took part in a funeral of Fr.J.Jarzebowski. (More info in the section `Fr.J.Jarz?bowski`.) *
28th of September 2009 the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St.Ann in Fawley Court has been added to the list of Buildings of Special Architetural or Historic Intrest - Grade 2 Listed Building. (More info in the section `The Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St.Ann.`)
Save this Historic Building and Grounds for the benefit of the Public .
Interview with Danuta Górska and Janina Bubel witnesses of the history of Fawley Court The Polish Post will introduce into the market four stamps from the series "Polonica", which are to be continued during the following years.
The most important Polish cultural places located abroad are rendered in the said stamps.PLN 1.40 - Palace in Fawley Court (England), where the Marianes Priests` Museum is located. It was founded in 1953, when Fawley Court was acquired to found a gymnasium for boys. Father Józef Jarz?bski, excellent pedagogue and collectioner, started to bring national souvenirs. It was his dream to have more and more numerous exhibits serve and help the young people understand the history and culture of Poland. Father Józef`s biggest merit is, doubtlessly, the biggest collection of objects connected with the January Uprising and the Great Emigration. Moreover, the museum`s collections include priceless printed matter and documents with autographs of kings from Kazimierz Jagiello?czyk to Stanis?aw Poniatowski, the Pope`s bullas from the 16th and 17th centuries, 16th century Polish Bibles, and a library of over 20 thousand books. W kwietnu 1999r. Poczta polska wyda?a seri? znaczków przedstawiaj?cych cztery najwa?niejsze miejsca polskiej kultury poza granicami kraju.
Zielone ?wi?tki, Fawley Court, 31.5.2009r.Wywiad z Danut? Górsk? i Janin? Bubel ?wiadkami pocz?tków Fawley Court. The Polish Post will introduce into the market four stamps from the series "Polonica", which are to be continued during the following years.
Komitet Obrony Dziedzictwa Narodowego Fawley Court, , e-mail: savefawley@hotmail.com |